Monday, March 2, 2015

Teachers Training

A teacher approached me today to share her excitement to use the iPad and for having training session and she was thinking about how to use it with her ASL (Arabic Second Language) students.

I was so happy to give me time to train teachers how to use the iPads in classroom however they only gave me 30 min to train teachers, and definitely we have novice teachers in technology and some of them are familiar with the device but not how to integrate the iPads in the classroom. So to make sure we all stand at the same level, I decided to divide the session into two part: basics of the iPad, and couple of example of how it might be used in the classroom.

We have more than 40 teachers for the primary years so I divided teachers into two groups so that they have the chance to have hands-on activities. 

You can check the presentation and the notes on this link.

Both sessions were nice, check the padlet that we discover and posted our activity on.

iPad Journey

I was hired at the beginning of this academic year at an IB school in Lebanon, as an ICT specialist. It is the first time they hire someone with this job title, so I expected that the journey through out this year would be hard. Unfortunately I didn’t expect it to be that hard, but I am gathering my strength to do the best.
I have always dreamt about doing something in future that doesn’t require me to do the same thing over and over again since I hate routine. I believe that routine kills me in all its way, and it seems that technology fits me the best since I learn each day something new and it requires lots of time to keep up with the technology pace.
To start up with the ipad journey, I have asked from the board of the school to plan for the iPad implementation before actually getting them, but they were too busy to meet and have a clear ICT vision. However, I had to make a mission and vision for the ICT department. The ipads are here, 24 iPads with a Cart. To make the rotation of the iPad smooth the school got the ipad cart. This helped alot (I will mention that in details during the phases).

As a first step, I had to assign an iPad for every student in each section so that they will be using the same ipad throughout the year. This also make them responsible to take care of the ipads. for this point i made use of the IB learner profile and reflected it on the ipad use.

They should be caring and responsible for the ipad they will be using since they will be sharing the same iPad with different students, so they will not delete data, or open files they don't own it.

Trying something new (using iPad in Education) and being risk-takers for example read e-books instead of book...
Thinkers by figuring out solutions if they face some difficulties. Inquirers by asking if they didn't find solutions.
Finally being responsible communicators, by knowing how to act online.

Then I wrote the iPad policy to be implemented in the school. It is made up of 3 sections. ICT specialist policy that includes my responsibilities and duties. Teachers Policy, it includes the proper way they should follow to ensure the proper implementation of the ipads, and students policy to follow. This part took me too much time to be drafted, corrected and finalized. i made sure to write it in a way not to pressure any one by using the ipad, but state it clear that they are responsible to keep it safe and in one piece but also to use it responsibly.

The last step in the preparation of the ipad use in school is to create a system for reservation. i though about many options but finally created an email account (ipadlab) so all teacher can reserve it using the outlook calendar, and so far it is working smoothly.